September 21, 2008

Breaking News!!!!

Sorry, I know it's not a good sign to be hearing from me at this point but it's Jenny, Jerri's sister, again.

Around 8am today, Jerri started bleeding heavily and had to have 911 called. They rushed her off in the ambulance (also putting an iv line in the opposite wrist of her PICC line. Standard procedures and all). Since she's been at the hospital, the bleeding has pretty much stopped, although she continues to have trickles now and then. She's right on the border of needing a transfusion due to the loss of blood but so far they are not giving her one.

To complicate things a bit more, Jerri thinks her water broke. No labor thankfully and the initial ultrasound still shows water pockets. She is waiting for a more in-depth ultrasound to actually check how much fluid is still there. Because of her trickle of a bleed, they are unable to do the paper litmus test on any fluid leaking out.

She received her first shot of steroids earlier today but has to wait 12 to 24 hours before the next shot.

It is still up in the air whether or not they will have to c-section her at this point. So for now she waits. And she would appreciate your prayers.

Things we are thankful for:
~ Hubby was home at the time of the bleed and was able to call 911 and be there to help.
~ Hubby is off the next few days so there's worry about needing to take time off for the time being.
~ Older boys were home to care for the younger munchkins as mom and dad rushed off to the hospital
~ A freezer full of meals already prepared by families from their Church.
~ Jerri was taken to her "regular" hospital, where they have her records and know her.
~ The bleeding has virtually stopped.
~ No labor has started.
~ There's been time for Steroid Shot #1
~ Baby Boy is 32 weeks gestation tomorrow and apart from having no movement during the initial bleed, he seems to be handling the chaos pretty well.

Things we need prayer for at the moment:
~ Water to have either not broken or that the leak would have self-healed in order to "buy" more time.
~ That Jerri's blood stats would return to normal quickly in case of another bleed, whether that be on it's own or through a transfusion.
~ That there would be no more bleeding and Jerri can remain on bed rest at the hospital for a few more weeks.
~ For the younger munchkins to not be worried or scared due to Jerri's terrifying and abrupt exit. No goodbyes, blood, etc.
~ That things will go smoothly at home for the older boys.
~ That Jerri will have time for as many steroid shots as necessary for Baby Boy's lungs before delivery. And that he will be in good health no matter at what point he is delivered.
~ Wisdom for the doctors (and mom and dad if there are choices to be made)

I will update you all as soon as I get updates. When Jerri's hubby gets the green light to go home for a little bit, he'll return with her laptop and she'll hopefully be able to bring updates to you all herself. We just aren't sure when that will happen.

Thanks for your prayers. It means so much to her. We are so thankful that both she and Baby Boy are being held firmly in the Creator of Life's loving hands. He's in control, no matter how out of control things seem to be.


Home's Jewels said...

Thank you for the update. I will be praying for Jerri and family!

Jenni said...

The Burns family will be praying for a healthy mommy and baby. And for the Lord to give you both grace to keep him in there a little longer. Bless you Jerri!

Karen said...

Thank you, thank you for the detailed update. The church-sent "prayer email" was very vague, and I was worrying about what had happened. We will be praying much - please keep the updates coming.

Jerri - hang tight. You're in our prayers.


Baleboosteh said...

We are praying here too for all the things listed and especially that the precious little one will be able to stay put for a bit longer and for strength and protection for Jerri.

Martha said...

You have been and will continue to be in our prayers!! What peace to know that God is in control and we can trust in Him. Praying that you feel His strengthening arms around you at this time. We will check in for more updates.


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