March 21, 2006

Life Has Been Busy!

I'm sure it goes without saying that the life of a mother of twelve is busy. So, I guess the title for this post should really be "Life Is Busier Than Usual"!

My two oldest sons were home for nine days! It was wonderful! It was crazy! It was too short! It was so fun and heartwarming to see these grown up sons and hear of their lives at Gleanings. We miss them so much when they are gone! The children still at home just loved having their biggest brothers home! I am so blessed that my children love each other so much and that the older ones always have an open lap, time to play and plenty of hugs for the younger ones.

So, all this awesome family time has kept me happily busy. I have tried to keep up with the new comments left, but haven't replied to all. I do hope to get the next topic going soon. I will be posting about chores for little people. I have the chores post and a few others swirling around in my head and I need to get them typed up before my head explodes! LOL! Don't expect to see it this week, but maybe near the end of next week. I am having surgery on the 28th (lower jaw and TMJ repair) and will be out of commission for 2 weeks. Since all I can do is lay around and heal I am hoping to get the chores posts started.

Also want to thank those of you who have left such encouraging comments about this new blog. When I am having a not so wonderful day it always lifts my heart to read the comments here. I would like to be able to spend more time posting here, but if I did I would be neglecting my primary mission, which is helping my husband and raising my children. When I get a few minutes you'll know it because you'll see a new post from me! LOL!

For now, I am just focusing on getting ready for my surgery (preparing for 6 weeks of not being able to chew food, etc.) which means I need go now and work on lesson plans and such.


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and couragous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you and praying that you have a speedy recovery. Your sister in Christ

Roberta said...

I'll be praying for you Jerri. Will your jaw be wired shut? I had corrective jaw surgery done when i was 18, was wired shut for 6 weeks. By the end I was putting pizza and milk in the blender...I was desperate!!! ;)
Love ya friend
Roberta :)

Mom of thirteen said...

I didn't know you had jaw surgery! Yes and no to the wired shut. They actually use rubber bands on the braces and it is just as if you were wired shut. Ugh. I will probably be asking you for blender recommendations as I get tired of soup and smoothies! LOL! I read today about a gal who put a McDonalds burger and fries into the blender! LOL! Did you know Shelley Miller had this surgery too? 20 years ago for hers. Guess if the two of you can survive it I can too! =)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your helpful posts.
Your writing today about your older children and younger children made me want to read ideas to help that happen in families. Maybe someday you can post on ideas to help foster loving relationships between siblings.
Thanks and God bless you!


Roberta said...

That's what I had...bands on braces...they called it "wired shut" even though no wires.
I don't know that I have any recipes worth sharing, but I will say keep up on your calories, even when you don't much feel like it...the weight loss is not worth the way it messes up your system.
You will be fine, I will still pray for you though. :)
Just think your kids will have to stop and listen really closely to understand your instructions (good practice for speaking softly). :)
And you can master your ventriloquist act as well! ;)

Anonymous said...

Your house looks so cool from the small glimpses we see. I would love to see more the living areas and bedrooms, so we can see how you do it!!!

Homemanager said...

I hope that you are healing well. God Bless!

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