April 25, 2009

6 months old today!


Baleboosteh said...

What sweet photos and what a darling baby!

Runningamuck said...

I know I already commented on the pics somewhere else... but I just couldn't look at them again and NOT say anything! He's too darn cute. Love the sucking the fingers! So glad I got a chance to love on him a bit. Miss ya. =0(

Mrs. Darling said...

Wow I cant believe its been so long. Anna Lise loved playing with your daughter. We'll have to get them together again soon.
Love the pic. Adorable baby!

Dawn said...

I read your blog often, but I rarely comment anywhere. LOL I thought I would take the time today though to let you know what a beautiful family you have, and how much I enjoy reading. Thank you for sharing those sweet pics!

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