November 5, 2008

Life as we know it right now

We just got home from 24 hours at Emmanuel Children's Hospital with Liam. He had gone downhill fast with sleeping and not eating. It was scary. They ran a bunch of tests and nothing was found to be "wrong", so he isn't sick, just being a preemie. He seems to be perking up a bit, but still is going to want to sleep over eat, which can be pretty typical for preemies they say. We are going to have to work pretty hard around the clock to keep him eating every 3 hours even if he won't wake up. It is all bottles with an easy flow nipple for now, just to get food into him so he will get the calories he needs without having to work and spend his little bit of energy on nursing, etc. The doctors are saying that things may not really turn around till Liam gets past his due date (11/17) and gets to gaining past his birth weight. We are supplementing with high calorie formula or adding formula to pumped milk to make it higher calorie, which should also help Liam.

Please pray for us. Hubby and I are wiped out (hubs stayed at the hospital till about 11 pm last night and I spent the night with Liam in the hospital). My milk supply went down with Liam not nursing (I'm pumping again, trying to get in 8 pumpings a day) and I had/have a stomach bug that is not helping how I am feeling. I am so ready for life to be just slightly "normal". My emotions are being hit pretty hard.

And, please pray for Liam, that he will be more wakeful at the times he needs to eat, will gain weight and generally improve so that we can work back to nursing again (and that my milk supply will build up again).

Thank you for your faithful prayer support!

These pics were taken by our friend Paul last week, I think when Liam was 5 or 6 days old. Our little guy is sure cute!


Anonymous said...

(((hugs))) Praying for all of you right now. I can imagine how exhausted you are. Keep us posted.

Julie said...

Oh I abosolutely love the pictures!! Such a cutie pie!! I can't wait to see him on Saturday!! Praying for you guys!

Gail said...

He is absolutely precious. I look forward to meeting him in person. You're in our prayers.

Mrs. Darling said...

That last pic makes him look much older than he is. What a handsome boy.

I just cant imagine going through all this stress. I am praying that you will find rest and comfort in the One who holds us all in the palm of his hands.

I think of the verse in Isaiha that says, "I will carry the lambs in my bosom and will gently lead those that are with young." That is you and little Liam!

Blessings and much love and prayers dear neighbor.

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